Willsway Counselling
Claire Williams
:Wellness & Wellbeing:

'Willingness is the
Way towards change.' ~ CW
Commonly Asked Questions
Here are some frequently asked questions that I tend to receive. If you still have something you’d like to know, feel free to contact me for more details and I will do my best to help you get all the information you need.
You can contact me via email willswaycounselling@gmail.com
What is Person-Centred Therapy?
Person-Centred therapy is part of the humanistic approach to therapy. It was developed by Carol Rogers, the premise he believed is that all humans are born innately good and capable of finding their own solutions to situations they face. Rogers believed that we are all striving for better but at times the circumstance, conditions or situation we find ourselves in shapes us in a way that forms limiting beliefs about ourselves that are out of line with how we truly are. Through the non-directive approach of Person-Centred therapy clients are given the right conditions - empathy, unconditional positive regard - congruence in an environment they feel safe and in a trusting therapeutic bond, when these conditions are place clients are able to feel empowered to align to their authentic selves.
How does this apply to our work?
I will endeavour to create an environment where you feel safe and held to be able to share what you need to work through session to session. I will take a non-directive approach so sessions will be led by you, but I will be alongside to explore your struggles with you so we can find a way forward that feels comfortable to you together. My approach is non-judgemental and compassionate, I believe feelings should be felt not denied, this helps us to embrace life to the full.
Through some reflections on what you are saying and some gentle challenging feedback of observations you will begin to notice patterns in the way you think, feel and act - we can then look together at which ones help you and which don't and how we can limit the time you do the unhelpful things to make more room for the positive coping stratagies. This will empower you to move forward in you life.
How do I schedule
an appointment?
Click on the 'make appointment' tab or alternatively you can email me willswaycounselling@gmail.com
My profile can also be found on counsellingdirectory.org and on the BACP website.
What if I dont want to
continue the work?
When embarking on such personal and individual work it is vital you find a therapist that fits with you. If I am not this person that is okay. I am happy to work with you to find another therapist to better suit your needs.
What if I can't afford
my sessions?
With the cost of living crisis at the moment I know first hand money is tight. I understand payment can be an uncomfortable subject to talk about. There is no judgement, please bring this up in sessions and we can discuss a payment plan that suits your needs and income.
How Long does the process take?
Therapy looks and feels different for everyone. There is no one destination to work towards but rather a gradual changing of habits, awareness, confidence that lead you closer to where you hope to be and better aligning you to yourself.
I have availability to work with you for a time period that best suits your need. I can do short-term solution focused work or we can contract to work together for longer and look a little deeper at what is going on for you.
To begin with get in touch, we can then arrange a short 20min FREE phone call to see if I am the right person for you. Following this we will do a 45min Initial Assessment to get a better understanding of your need and expectation from therapy and then we can go ahead with your sessions. At times I may operate a waiting list. In this instance I will keep you informed of waiting times and also onward options for referrals to other services at your request.
What is the Wellness and Wellbeing Academy?
Wills Wellness & Wellbeing Academy is a long-term goal of mine to bring into place, an ambition I am working towards.
As counsellors and therapists it is important we ''practice what we preach' so having that forward motion is important for me.
My dream is that this will become an academy where we are free to be who we truly are. A safe space where it is ok to take our time in aligning to ourselves. I don't believe there is a one size fits all approach, I don't believe we can address our physical and mental health seperately - I believe we are a whole being and as such we need to be aware of our wholeselves.
Wills Wellness & Wellbeing will be a collaboration of Mind - Body - Heart - Soul and as such will include wellbeing workshops online and in-person and connection and learning from other local professional in the wellness field. My experience is in Counselling.